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By Karin Meadows

A part of our work at DAI Solutions in 2017 includes continued support of multiple federal agencies in their mandated efforts to consolidate, integrate and modernize human resources information technology infrastructure. The Office of Personnel Management in 2014 began implementing a Strategic Information Technology Plan that provides the framework for rationalizing and transforming the government’s HRIT.

The ability of some federal agencies to provide end-to-end workforce planning is limited, with agencies like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) being mandated to re-evaluate and manage the HRIT infrastructure to address human capital weaknesses. At DHS, the human resources environment includes fragmented systems, duplicative and paper-based processes, and little uniformity of data management practices. AT HHS, the enterprise human resources system is aging, and is supplemented by over 95 HR-related IT systems, three separate time and attendance systems, and numerous other legacy systems requiring significant manual intervention.

Appropriate HRIT investment at DHS and HHS will consolidate, integrate, and modernize the HRIT infrastructure to provide the flexibilities and management information that will enable these huge entities to be responsive to changing business, legislative, and economic drivers. Consolidating and modernizing existing multiple, independent platforms benefits HR offices and employees across organizations by leveraging common solutions; increasing process automation and system interoperability; and eliminating duplicative applications and associated independent contract vehicles.

At DHS, we are working with senior leaders to establish the as-is state of end-to-end hiring, the first step in recommending a solution that will include developing a common data model and standardized information exchange across the organization to track time-to-hire and conduct workforce planning. A critical part of our work includes change management that ensures all stakeholders are informed at every step of the way and understand the importance of their participation in providing information that will aid, ultimately, in the creation of a final recommended solution.

At HHS, DAI Solutions is working intently with leadership to implement a new enterprise human capital management system, providing strategic planning, program management, change leadership and management and organizational development, data analytics and learning strategies across the organization.
As we help these organizations to grow and mature, our knowledge and expertise expands as well, and we are proud to play a role in helping government become more streamlined in anticipation of furthering its mission to support all citizens.